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Notification settings
Notification settings
Yuliia Rybalka avatar
Written by Yuliia Rybalka
Updated over 8 months ago

Ringostat service notifications are a simple and convenient tool that will keep you informed about the most important events related to your project.

The Ringostat service provides three types of notifications:

  • System — important notifications that inform about the project's functionality (sent to the registration email by default). Through these, you can learn about:

    • changes in project status;

    • project balance.

  • Additional messages about the project's operation in terms of calls (manually configured in the "Webhooks 2.0" section). In these notifications, you can receive information about:

    • a call forwarding scheme that didn't work;

    • a missed call;

    • a failed call;

    • a call with "busy" status;

    • a call that went to voicemail;

  • Call reports — distribution of detailed and summary call reports (configured in the respective sections). You can set up email delivery of:

Setting up system notifications

You can configure this functionality in the "General Settings" - "Alerts" section.

  1. Select "Add addressee":

2. Then determine the method of receiving notifications by clicking on the corresponding icon:

3. Specify the recipient (mobile number or e-mail).

4. Configure the type of notifications you want to receive.
4.1 If you need to receive notifications about the project balance status via email, the settings will look like this:

System notifications are sent to the email at midnight the next day after saving the settings. They are sent to the email address of the account from which the project was created, or to the addresses you specified for receiving these notifications.

They notify you about:

  • the balance, when it may approach “zero” and the system recommends you fund it to avoid losing the calls;

  • your project status and expiration date.

A completed window with configured system notifications will look like this:

4.2. If you want to receive notifications about low project balance via SMS, select the appropriate checkbox and specify the time to send the notification.

  • 7 days before the service payment expires;

  • 7 days before the predicted depletion of funds on the forwarding balance;

  • when reaching a negative balance (automatic deactivation of substitution);

  • when the project is transferred to "archived" status. The cost of one SMS message depends on your region. You can familiarize yourself with the SMS sending rates in this article.

Additional alerts

To set up notifications for missed calls and calls with errors, go to the "Settings" - "Integrations" - "Webhooks 2.0" section.

Then click "Add an event".

To set up email notifications, configure as shown in the screenshot, specifying your email and project's name:

Templates for letters:

Email title

You've missed a call

Email text

Ringostat has captured a missed call in your project {{project's name}}

Call date: $calldate

Destination number: +$dst

Caller number: +$userfield

We recommend to call back as soon as possible because a missed call is the best gift you can give your competitors.

Email title

The client failed to reach you

Email text

Ringostat has captured a missed call in your project {{project's name}} due to an error in the number configuration or the lack of a call forwarding scheme.

Please check the phone number configuration and call forwarding scheme on the connect phone numbers page using the instructions.

Call date: $calldate

Destination number: +$dst

Caller number: +$userfield

We recommend to call back as soon as possible, because a missed call is the best gift you can give your competitors.

Then click "Filters" and choose the filter you want to use. After, click "Apply" and save the settings.

To set up SMS notifications, configure as shown in the screenshot, specifying your phone number

Templates for sms:


$calldate bulo propushcheno dzvinok z nomera +$userfield


$calldate propushcheno dzvinok z nomera +$userfield cherez pomylku v nalashtuvanni nomera abo vidsutnosty skhemy pereadresatsii

Set up the required filter in the filters tab and save the settings:

More detailed information about webhook settings can be found in our knowledge base🙂

The price of a single SMS may vary depending on your location. You can check the cost of sending SMS in this specific article.

Summary report on the number of calls, manager efficiency, and sources

This functionality can be configured in the "General Settings" menu - "Alerts". Then select "Add addressee":

Choose the sending method by clicking the e-mail icon:

Enter the recipient's e-mail.

Check the box corresponding to the report and select the date and time to receive the report:

Our team recommends using this functionality and enabling additional notifications via e-mail and SMS in your Ringostat personal account.

Setting up notifications will help:

  • control the efficiency of managers' work;

  • avoid losing potential customers who couldn't get through;

  • stay informed about the balance for call forwarding;

  • avoid errors in project settings;

  • receive notifications at a convenient time and in a convenient way for you.

Notification language

The system sends notifications in the language you have selected in your profile settings in the Ringostat personal account.

You can change the language to one that is convenient for you at any time.

If an employee whose email is added to the notification doesn't have a profile in the personal account, the notifications will be sent in English by default. This can happen if you have only set up notifications about low project balance or missed calls for an employee without granting them access to the project. To allow the manager to change the language of notifications in the system, you need to grant them access to the project using this instruction, and then the manager will be able to change the language in their profile at any time.

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