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7. Recommended settings
Eugene Zastup avatar
Written by Eugene Zastup
Updated over a week ago

Once you have configured the main settings — go to the recommended ones.

First, check if you have activated all products you need.

Go to "Manage connected products" from the main page with the lists of your projects.

And activate the trial for the other products you need and apply the changes.

Once you activate the products — check their settings and work. ;)

Below you will find the instructions for the additional settings recommended after activating your project.


This knowledge base instruction will help you connect our Callback widget, adjust the forms and display the time of the widget on your site.

Virtual PBX

You also might need such options:

Notifications and alerts

This article will help you set up SMS or email notifications for missed calls and/or system notifications about the project.

Goal Analytics in Google Analytics

To see call conversions in your Google Analytics reports, you can set event goals from us. Our article will tell you how to do it in Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4

Configure reports in the Ringostat call log

You can create your call reports with the filters you need.

Ready integrations

This section contains the instructions for configuring ready CRM integrations with Ringostat. If your CRM is on the list, you will have a few steps to complete the integration with us.

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