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Pipedrive. Additional settings
Daria Oliinyk avatar
Written by Daria Oliinyk
Updated over a week ago

Calls data storage for integration with Pipedrive

Active integration automatically transfers the following call details to the CRM system:

  • audio recordings of conversations;

  • call number;

  • call status;

  • utm tags.

But an error may occur sometimes. For example, changing the credentials for your synced Pipedrive account breaks the connection between your Ringostat and Pipedrive accounts. As a result, information on further calls will not reach the CRM system.

To avoid the loss of information, it is necessary to enable an additional setting for resending data to the CRM system.

You should activate the checkbox "Send data to CRM after re-activating the integration":

A checkbox appears after disabling the integration. Before enabling integration again, you need to activate the checkbox. And only then — do you activate the integration.

Ringostat will send all the stored data to your CRM system after re-activating the integration if this option is enabled. The data will be sent for the last three days: the previous two and the day of re-activation.

Sending data from your forms' fields to Pipedrive

To transfer data from forms on your site, you need to follow such steps:

Step 1

Activate the integration with forms, or check whether integration with forms is active in the project.

You should pay attention to whether all the necessary settings have been made. You can do it following these instructions.

Step 2

It is necessary to make changes to the integration scenarios: select the entities that need to be created when the form is sent from your site.

Step 3

Setting up the block "Sending data from your forms' fields to Pipedrive".

The block has four subdivisions:

  • Default match — here are the parameters automatically transferred to Pipedrive CRM fields when the integration is enabled.

  • Match for a deal — pushing additional data to the deal fields.

  • Match for a contact — pushing additional data to the contact fields.

  • Match for an organization — pushing additional data to the fields of the organization.

In the first column of this block, specify the Pipedrive field for the data that will be sent.

In the second — set a type of data that will be sent. Three of them are Ringostat variables, your forms fields, and constants.

In the third column, specify the values ​​that will be sent to the CRM system, depending on the selected data type:

  • Ringostat variables — all available parameters can be seen in the drop-down list, and here you can select the needed variable.

  • Your forms' field — specify the field value, The information will be sent from this field to the CRM system. If the name values are different in different forms on your site, separate them with commas.

  • Constants — specify a static value that will be sent to the CRM system after filling out the form on the website.

For example:

As a result of processing the request in Pipedrive, contact will be created with the following:

  • an actual name of the client, which a visitor puts in the form on your website;

  • the visitor's phone number;

  • other additional parameters, in case your form has some.

Features of the integration

Creation order of entities (contact, deal, organization, task)

In Pipedrive, entities are created in the following sequence: Organization —> Contact —> Deal —> Task.

How does the integration determine if an entity exists in Pipedrive before creation?

First, the integration searches entities by phone number. Several fields can be set up for the phone number:

The integration checks whether the information was received when filling the tel field form. If it wasn't, the phone field and other relevant fields would be checked.

All field names in the "Sending data from your forms fields to pipedrive" will be checked.

If the integration receives at least one of the indicated fields, it will check all entities with the following phone number in the CRM system:

  • if there is no entity — a contact or other entity configured in the scenarios will be created by the integration.

  • if the client did not put the phone number in the form, the integration would search the entity by email. If the client does not specify the email, the entity will be searched by the clientid.

Searching data from your forms in the CRM system

To make the search as accurate as possible, the integration cuts out all special characters from the phone number before the search.

Updating utm tags.

Utm-parameters are only updated if all CRM fields with utm labels are empty.

Working with deals

As there is no separate field for the deal with a phone number, the system searches for a deal by contact (a person in the CRM system). If there is only an organization in the CRM system, and the integration scenario is creating organization and deal — the deal will be made without connection to the organization.

Sending deals to selected pipelines

Deals are created in the default pipeline.

Call forwarding to a responsible manager.

Call forwarding to a responsible manager allows you:

  • automate the business processes;

  • increase the efficiency of the sales department;

  • reduce the dial-up time.

It helps you correctly distribute calls between agents and connect the client with the agent responsible for a deal.

Before calling the agent, Ringostat sends a request to a CRM system to check whether there is an open contact with the client's number. If there is such a contact, the call will be forwarded to the agent who is responsible for this contact:

  • if there's no contact with such a phone number in the CRM system, the integration will search for the organization;

  • if there is no contact or organization, the integration will search for the open deal;

  • if there is such a deal, the call will be forwarded to the agent who is responsible for this deal;

  • if there is no contact, organization, or an open deal for the caller number in the CRM system, the call will be forwarded to the next block in the forwarding scheme.

The order and priority can be configured in the settings.

Follow the next steps of such configuration:

  1. Create a forwarding unit with a call forwarding location "Responsible manager".

  2. Specify a sequence of the selected entities:

When calling the forwarding scheme with the direction "Responsible manager":

  • Ringostat will search for open entities in the sequence which were put in the settings.

  • The call will be forwarded to the responsible manager in the first found entity.

  • If there's no responsible manager, the call will be forwarded to the next block in the forwarding scheme.

For example, if you set such a priority: contact — deal, Ringostat first searches for the person responsible for contact and only then — for a deal.

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