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Salesforce integration
Katerina Tverdochleb avatar
Written by Katerina Tverdochleb
Updated over 11 months ago

Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM systems, allowing you to automate the workflows of sales managers.

Integration capabilities

  1. Automatic lead creation on an incoming call from a new client;

  2. Linking call sources to the lead for optimal handling of the request by the manager;

  3. Passing the Google Client ID of the visit associated with the call;

  4. Creating tasks for the responsible manager for a missed call on a new lead or an existing one in progress;

  5. Creating tasks for the responsible manager on a lead if a colleague answered the call (e.g., the responsible manager was on the phone). This allows you to record the contact and check what the colleague said during the dialogue.

  6. Creating tasks for the responsible manager on successful incoming and outgoing calls. Tasks are created immediately closed with attached call recordings, which helps to review the conversation history.

  7. Creating tasks for the responsible/top manager when needed.

Setting Up the Integration Logic

How the Integration Works:

  • A visitor notices your online advertisement and visits your website.

  • There, they see a phone number in the usual place. But this is not your regular number; it's a special number that Ringostat automatically provided to the visitor.

  • The visitor calls, and detailed call information, including the advertising source and the caller's number, is recorded in the call log.

  • This data is transmitted to the CRM.

  • Upon or during the call, a lead and task are created – since the visitor called you for the first time.

  • Depending on the stage of negotiations and integration settings, the deal is displayed in the company's overall sales funnel.

Setting Up the Integration Logic

After assigning employees and adding the necessary parameters, configure the integration matrix based on which deals and tasks will be created for calls (matrix configuration options are described in the section below).

By default, the matrix is already configured as follows:

With this matrix configuration, the integration logic will work as follows:

Incoming call from a new client:

  • Upon answering, a lead is created, and tags are pulled into it

  • The manager who answered the call is always assigned as responsible for the deal

  • For a missed call, a task is assigned to the top manager and linked to the deal. The task has a default deadline of +4 hours for further distribution and processing.

  • If the call is answered from a number or SIP account not assigned to anyone, a task is created for the top manager to check the integration settings and distribute the deal and call for further processing.

Incoming call from an existing client (open lead):

  • We check if there is a lead with the caller's phone number. If so, we record the conversation information there.

  • For a missed call, a task is assigned to the lead's responsible manager

  • If the responsible manager answered the call, we create a closed task with the call fact and a link to the conversation

  • If someone other than the lead's responsible manager answered the call, we create one closed task (as in the previous point) for the person who answered, and an open task for the responsible manager to review the call

  • If the call is answered from a number or SIP account not assigned to anyone, we create a task for the top manager to check the integration settings

Successful outgoing call on an open lead:

  • If the responsible manager makes the call, a closed task with a link to the conversation is created and linked to the lead

  • If it's not the responsible manager, a closed task with a link to the conversation is created for the responsible manager for review, linked to the lead

If this integration scenario doesn't quite suit you, you can modify it to your needs. We recommend contacting our technical support first so our specialists can advise you on the optimal configuration for your project.

Important: To add source data to leads previously created by a third-party integration or the CRM itself, we recommend using the following matrix settings:

Setting Up the Integration

Before starting the setup, you need to identify the employees who have a Salesforce account, participate in handling incoming calls, and will be included in the integration.

How to create employees in Ringostat — detailed in this article.

Настройка интеграции должна быть выполнена из-под аккаунта пользователя Salesforce с правами уровня "Администратор" или владельца проекта.
Создание сделок и контактов, постановка задач и добавление ответственного - будет выполняться от имени пользователя, из-под аккаунта которого была включена интеграция.

The integration setup must be performed from the account of a Salesforce user with "Administrator" or project owner-level rights. Creating deals and contacts, assigning tasks, and adding responsible parties will be performed on behalf of the user whose account was used to enable the integration.

Enabling Salesforce Integration

To enable the integration, go to the "Integration" - "Ready Integrations" section:

1. First, select the integration language:

2. Pre-authorize in your Salesforce account. Or authorize in the window that opens after clicking the integration activation button. After that, activate the integration in Ringostat:

3. Now assign the Salesforce manager accounts to the employee profiles you created earlier and appoint a top manager.

4. Set up the transfer of additional fields, if you need them and they are not among those sent by default.

5. Also, configure the integration logic. For example, select the entities to be created upon a call and the moment of creation.

Smart Call Forwarding

It's no secret that every business owner strives to automate business processes as much as possible, increase the efficiency of the sales department, and reduce the time it takes for clients to reach their company. To address these issues, as well as for the convenience of using telephony, we recommend setting up "Smart Call Forwarding," which will allow you to properly distribute calls among managers and connect the client with the manager responsible for the deal as the first priority.

How it Works:

  • Before calling a manager, Ringostat will send a request to the CRM to check for an open lead with the caller's number. If such a lead exists, the call will be directed to the assigned manager.

  • If there is no lead with the caller's number in the CRM system, we will forward the call further according to the forwarding scheme.

To do this, you need to take the following steps:

1. Create a forwarding block with the "Responsible Manager" destination:

2. Select "Lead" as the priority for call destinations:

3. Add the following forwarding steps as usual:

That's it! The smart call forwarding setup is complete!

Important! In the project, it is possible to connect the integration with only one of the CRM systems that are on the integration platform.

We search for contacts and leads by the caller's number in various formats: +18512345678, +1 851 234 5678, 851 234 5678, +1-851-234-5678. If in a lead or contact created by another integration, the number is written in a different format, we will create a duplicate lead and/or contact.

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