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Zoho CRM. Integration logic
Eugene Zastup avatar
Written by Eugene Zastup
Updated over a week ago

Default integration scenario

The default setting is recommended for use unless you have some specific requests for the scenarios.

It includes the creation of all the necessary entities the manager will need. Optionally, you can also adjust the matrix settings to suit your requirements.

Let's check the possibilities of the integration logic in different situations according to the default scenario.

Received a call from a new customer:

  1. The integration creates a new lead with UTM parameters when picking up the handset.

  2. The lead is assigned to the agent who answered the call.

  3. In the task attached to the lead, you can find the link for the conversation recording:

  4. If the call is received from a number or SIP account that is not associated with any employee, the integration will create a task for a TOP manager. So they check the integration settings.

Accepted call from an existing client:

  1. If the manager responsible for the lead accepts the call, then a completed task will be added to the lead with a link to the conversation recording. The task will be attached to the responsible manager.

  2. If the manager not responsible for the contact accepts the call, Ringostat will assign a completed task with a conversation recording to this employee.

    Also, an open task with the same call recording and deadline period of 4 hours will be assigned to a responsible manager.

  3. If the call is received from a number or SIP account that is not associated with any employee, the integration will create a task for a TOP manager. So they check the integration settings.

    The TOP manager can see what SIP account or phone number answered the call in the task description.

Missed inbound call from a new client:

After the missed call, Ringostat creates a lead and task for the TOP manager. So, they will forward the client to one of the employees to reach the client back.

Missed inbound call from an existing client:

After the missed call, Ringostat creates a task to contact the customer. It will be automatically assigned to the TOP manager.

Outbound call from the agent:

  1. If there's no lead/contact/deal for the client a manager is trying to call, no entity will be created after the outbound call.

    To send such a call to the CRM system, you should create a lead/contact/deal before initiating the call.

  2. If you created a lead/contact/deal previously, Ringostat would complete a task for the answered outgoing call with the call recording. It will be assigned to the manager who made a call.

    Ringostat won't create any entity for such an outgoing call if the call isn't answered.

A call which reached a voicemail:

  1. If the call is from a new customer, then a lead will be created for a TOP manager to contact the customer.

    The task, attached to the lead, will provide the link to a voicemail message the client leaves.

  2. Ringostat automatically creates a task to contact the customer if the call is from an existing customer. It will be attached to the TOP manager. Also, if the client leaves a voicemail, it'll be available in the task.

Alternative integration scenarios

If a third-party integration already creates entities in Zoho Desk, you can send information about the call to your leads/contacts/deals. To enable this setting — configure the integration scenarios in these ways:

  1. Sending the UTM parameters to leads:

  2. Sending the UTM parameters to contacts and deals:

One primary condition for such a setup is that your integration must create an entity in CRM before Ringostat. That means your other integration should make leads/contacts/deals before the answer or during the conversation. Otherwise, Ringostat will create double leads/contacts/deals after the call.

Important note: Ringostat searches for contact by the last nine digits of the number, for example, 987392588.

In the project, integration connection is available only with one of the CRM systems on the integration platform.

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