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(RSP Chrome) Ringostat Smart Phone Interface
Eugene Zastup avatar
Written by Eugene Zastup
Updated over 11 months ago

Important! Considering the update of our development strategy and in order to provide our customers with the most high-quality and up-to-date products, we have decided to discontinue support and updates for the Ringostat Smart Phone extension in the Chrome browser. We are always working to provide our users with the best tools, and therefore we recommend using our application Ringostat Smart Phone.

Ringostat Smart Phone — the extension allows a sales manager to obtain information about customers, make calls from the browser, and expand integration with CRM systems.

  1. The session history of the caller will be visible in the extension during the inbound calls.

  2. The extension shows the visitor browsing story in real-time mode.

  3. Possibility to make the call directly from the browser.

  4. Ability to transfer the call to your colleagues using the extension.

  5. Possibility to dial the phone number from the extension in the browser and have the conversation using the other device.

  6. Sending the text messages.

Once you configure the extension, it will appear in your browser tabs.

If you have one of our integrations with CRM systems (Pipedrive 2.0, Salesforce, ZohoCRM, Hubspot), you will be able to see the contact's name if you receive a repeated call from the visitor.

Let's check each block of the extension :)

Ringostat Insider

In this section, you can see information about the calling customer online and his behavior on the site.

  1. The summary shows full information about the caller. It consists of:

    • Days since the first visit;

    • Days since the last visit;

    • The total amount of calls from the client;

    • Information of the visitors, sessions, and calls for a period you've configured in the settings (14 days as a default setting);

    • Current session information such as utm-parameters, user agent, etc.

  2. Top 5 pages for a period you've configured in the settings (14 days as a default setting).

    It shows you five pages which the visitor was interested in mostly. Here you can see:

    • Name of the page;

    • Amount of the views;

    • Session duration;

    • Date of the last visit.

  3. All sessions for a period you've configured in the settings (14 days as a default setting):

    This block shows such details for the calls:

    • Utm-parameters;

    • user-agent;

    • calls and pages the caller visited for a configured period.

    If you receive a call from a new client, it will show you that there's no contact or deal for the caller in your CRM system yet.

Identified customers

You can call or send an SMS to the most interested customers who are now on the site and have previously called you directly from this section.

It also displays which page the visitor is in real-time, how many pages looked, and when the client last called. It will help you prepare for the call with the client.

Recent calls

You can see the history of the last calls you made.

Attention: This section contains only 21 recent calls. You can see the rest of the calls in your account Ringostat - Call Log.

Create new message

You can quickly send a message to the client. Thus it is possible to send additional information to the client during a telephone conversation. There're two ways to send a message:

  • by entering a phone number;

  • messaging directly during a call. To use this function, you should set up the integration with Infobip A2P messaging platform for enterprises.

Messengers Ringostat

The extension Ringostat Smartphone allows the agents to communicate with your customers using Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Viber. Your customers can contact you through a widget on the site or in a messenger directly.

When a client contacts you via messenger, you'll see a notification in the extension even if the browser is minimized. The plugin shows you how many messages are waiting for your response so you can process requests in order of priority.

The extension displays the customer's name of his messenger account.

You can view the history of any open dialogues in your Ringostat account.

At the top of the dialog, you have a button that leads you to the list of active chats. You'll find there another two options:

  • possibility to view information about the client;

  • ability to end the dialogue.

Departments and employees

In this section, you can call a colleague with one click

You can also do a quick search for a colleague using the employee's name, their extension number, or an e-mail. Online employees are always displayed in this section by default.

If you hover the cursor over an employee or department, you can see additional information.

Call by click

You don't have to spend your time copying the number and dialing it in the extension anymore. Activate a call by clicking and making the calls while clicking on the phone numbers in the contact card.

Before using, check if the required setting is active.

Then update the page with the number you want to call to.

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