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Integration with
Maksym Babich avatar
Written by Maksym Babich
Updated over 2 months ago

Livespace — is an adaptive, cloud-based, process-oriented CRM system with task and sales automation.

Integration with Ringostat allows you to:

  • Create Contact, Transaction, Organization or Call entity automatically on the fact of a call.

  • Create Tasks by incoming missed call

  • Send UTM tags and additional parameters to text fields for a new Contact

  • Create Deals in the different funnels

  • Send basic AI analysis parameters to Contact, Deal and Organization cards: summary, customer mood, employee mood, overall mood, recommended actions and AI call analysis results file (vtt)

  • Integration with Ringostat Smart Phone - displaying the Contact's name with a link to it

  • Setting up smart forwarding

Setting up the integration

Integration is set up individually by our Ringostat specialists. To set up the integration, you need to write to the support chat and provide data.


Integration can be set up only if you have a Livespace “Automation” plan or higher.

What you need to set up the integration:

  1. Accesses in Livespace with the “Administrator” level

  2. List of entities to create: Contact, Transaction, Organization, Call and/or Missed Call Tasks

  3. Do UTM tags need to be transferred? If sending is required - specify the name of the field to which the data should be transmitted.

  4. Funnel name, if Deals should be created in a specific funnel.

In order for entities to be created for the corresponding managers - managers should be added to livespace, named the same way as in the Ringostat cabinet.

Logic of the integration workflow

When a call from a new customer is made, Contact, Deal, Organization and Call will be created in CRM.

UTM tag data will be sent to custom fields for the created Contact.

In case of a call from a customer whose number is already in CRM - the Call will be linked to entities with the customer number and displayed on the entities wall.

The Call entity has information about the call duration, call type, call status and audio recording of the call that can be listened to:

If an incoming call from a client was missed - a Task for the missed call will be created in CRM.

The task contains the client number and deadline +4 hours from the date and time of the call.

If the integration only needs to create Deals in Livespace - there must be a Contact with client's number in CRM at the time the Deal is created.

Al analysis parameters

If Al analysis is enabled in the project, a comment with Al analysis will be added to the entity card by customer number, which contains the following data:

  • Summary

  • Customer mood

  • Employee mood

  • Overall mood

  • Recommended actions

  • File with results of AI call analysis

Ringostat Smart Phone integration

All information about Ringostat Smart Phone app is contained in this section of the knowledge base.

Integration with RSP gives you the ability to pull up the name of a Contact with a link to it in CRM on an incoming call.

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