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Tracking entities
Katerina Tverdochleb avatar
Written by Katerina Tverdochleb
Updated over a week ago

Tracking entities is a special function that allows to get additional data from your website using our insertion script and connect it to the user session. These parameters can be forwarded to your CRM system or other services using the Webhooks.

For example, you need to connect an additional ID your script generates for the visitor's session to the visitor's Google Analytics ID.

This works the following way:

  1. To track an entity, you need to make a few settings in your Ringostat account. You should specify the parameter's name and its settings in the Call tracking - Tracking entities section. This way when a customer visits the site, the insertion script tracks this parameter according to the specified name and settings. For example, the visit ID that your script generates - r7k12_si (value in the variable).

  2. Tracked parameter r7k12_si is now connected to the visitor in our system.

  3. After configuring the tracking entity settings, you can forward this parameter to external systems using webhooks.

  4. This way Ringostat forwards not only the call and visit data to an external system but also that additional parameter.

You can check the forwarded parameter's value on your website in the browser console. To do this, go to your website, open the console, and enter the tracked parameter's name (the variable containing the value we need):

There are two types of the parameter in tracking entities: Simple and Expression.

Using the Simple parameter's type, you can track a specific static value of an additional parameter for each call. In this case, the same value will be connected to each visit/call.

Using the Expression parameter's type, you can track dynamically changed values and connect them to each specific call. If the value changes during a user visit, Ringostat will track this and update it to the new one.

How to set up a tracking entity:

  1. Go to Call tracking - Tracking entities section in your Ringostat account and click on Add an entity.

  2. Add the following details of the parameter you want to track:

    a. Provide a proper name of your parameter.

    b. Choose the type of the entity: Simple or Expression.

    c. Choose the level scope: Session or Page View.

    d. In the value field, enter the parameter exactly the way it is specified on your website.

*The value of the tracking entity will depend on the level scope you set.

  • If you choose Session level scope to track a parameter, its value will be changed each time the page is viewed. The call will have the last value if it is not equal to empty (e.g., null). Use this method by default.

  • As for Page view level scope, for now, we do not recommend using it.

This parameter can be further forwarded to the external system using the Webhooks.

To set up the parameter forwarding using Webhook, go to Integrations - Webhooks 2.0 section and add a new webhook or edit the existing one by specifying a new parameter in it.

  1. Add the parameter's name; it should be similar to the tracking entity name, but not the same.

  2. Choose the parameter value you have previously added from the list.

After these settings are completed, Ringostat will forward the additional parameter you need to the external system.

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